Without mehndi or henna, Indian wedding festivities aren’t complete. Everyone enjoys this classic type of art, and for many years it has been thought to be a crucial stage for the upcoming bride as she embarks on her new adventure. The bride-to-be applies mehndi as part of the customary shringar ritual.
Henna is used so frequently to color hands a lovely ochre yellow that India is now known around the world as the country that produces the natural dye. The advantages of henna on hands, however, are something that the majority of us are unaware of. What then are they?
Let’s learn a little about henna first before moving on to the advantages. Henna is a form of natural dye that can be made from the plant “Lawsonia Inermis” and has no adverse effects on any type of skin. When applied to the skin, it leaves ochre yellow stains that are frequently used in Eastern countries for hand painting. Henna’s use for mummification can be traced back to 1200 BC when it first appeared.
10 Benefits of Mehndi on Hand
- Natural Coolant
Everyone can get very stressed out during wedding planning and festival celebrations, which raises body temperature and causes physical tiredness. Disruptions to the digestion cycle can also result in numerous stomach-related problems. Therefore, keeping your body cool at this time is just as crucial as having fun. Many people are unaware that henna is utilized for this purpose. Henna helps the body expel extra heat by acting as a natural cooler. Additionally, it eases the discomfort of headaches and stomach aches.
- Antibacterial Effects
Henna offers a variety of antiseptic and therapeutic properties for the body because it is natural. One of the most important things henna does is support healthy blood circulation throughout the body. This is essential to ensure that the body receives enough blood and oxygen to supply all of the organs and allow for proper organ function. The body’s optimal functioning is directly related to proper blood circulation, and what’s better than henna, which not only leaves you with lovely stains but also has unidentified health advantages.
- Enhances Overall Health
Mehndi application enhances the body’s blood circulation. This further contributes to improving your general health.
- Defends Against Viral Diseases
A medicinal herb with antibacterial qualities is mehndi. The couple can combat viral infections and ordinary illnesses because of these qualities. Additionally, henna was employed during the viral period instead of covering your forehead with a piece of cloth dipped in cold water to lower body temperature. Organic Henna leaves can effectively lower the temperature to normal when rolled into balls with water and placed in the middle of the palms of both hands.
- Could Lower Fever
According to Ayurvedic traditions, henna might also lower fevers due to its potential antipyretic effects. This increase in body temperature can be harmful to organ function and metabolic processes when people have extremely high fevers as a subsequent sign of another illness. Henna might be able to do this by either causing sweating and effectively breaking the fever or by just cooling the body and offering some relief. Bringing the body’s core temperature down is crucial.
- Agent Against Arthritis:
Arthritis pain can be excruciating and nearly unbearable. Henna has historically been used extensively to treat arthritis pain as it has cooling characteristics that work as an anti-inflammatory agent, decreasing the inflammation of inflamed nerves that are the source of underlying pain.
- Psychological Effects:
Pitta, an Ayurveda word for one of the forces that regulate our bodies’ regular function, has several psychological effects. Pitta, which loosely translates to “fire,” describes the body’s metabolic heat. A disturbance in this body not only causes numerous medical illnesses but also increases stress, irritability, wrath, and frustration with little things. Henna’s antibacterial qualities aid in preserving the energy’s natural equilibrium. Henna’s distinctive perfume also calms and relaxes our minds. Consequently, the sensations of rage or anger are eliminated.
- Skin-conditioning agent:
Henna or mehndi, when applied to the hands, can treat a variety of skin conditions. First of all, due to its anti-bacterial qualities, it has been demonstrated to be helpful against skin itchiness, eczema, and its spread. Additionally, it aids in easing blisters’ and burns’ searing sensations. Henna’s coagulant properties aid in the speedy development of clots, which aids in the healing of wounds.
- Normalizes Blood Pressure:
One of the most underappreciated advantages of using henna on hands to create different bridal mehndi designs is that it aids in controlling blood pressure, which in turn directly supports the maintenance of heart health. Henna can reach veins through the skin by being applied to the hands, and because it has anti-inflammatory properties, it promotes normal blood flow. ensuring that the blood pressure is within normal limits.
- As an Aphrodisiac
Henna is commonly utilized in India at weddings for a variety of reasons, but its aphrodisiac characteristics are one of the most important. This implies that it makes couples feel more romantically connected. Additionally, additional ingredients like clove oil and eucalyptus that are put into mehndi are also quite useful.
Now that you are aware of some of the little-known benefits of using henna on your hands, make sure you take advantage of the chance the next time you have the chance to create some lovely hand designs with natural dye. Additionally, keep in mind that henna can have certain negative effects, but these are minimal and shouldn’t cause concern.
- What advantages do mehndi on hands have?
Mehndi is effective in treating various kinds of skin issues, including itchiness, allergies, rashes, and wounds. Its Ropan (healing) property is the reason for this. When applied to the affected area, its Sita (cold) nature helps to minimize excessive burning sensations.
- Is it safe to use henna on your hands?
Many people use mehndi to color their hair in addition to using it to add a variety of eye-catching patterns to their hands to improve their appearance. The henna mixture not only gives the hair a natural tone but also lessens inflammation and eases headaches.
- Why are hands colored with henna?
Nowadays, henna is primarily applied during happy social gatherings to mark special occasions like weddings and birthdays. In certain cultures, the darker the henna stain, the greater the love between two people. The henna paste represents good health and success in marriage.
- What is the science behind mehndi?
Mehndi application helps reduce stress since it cools the body and keeps the nerves from tensing up. Because the hands and feet contain the body’s nerve endings, mehndi is applied to them for this purpose.
- Is mehndi harmful to periods?
It also serves to regulate the monthly time frames. Even some women who are anticipating the start of their menstruation are said to start their period by applying mehndi to their hands and legs.